

Film Noirs & Pullman Cars ~  #39 on Amazon's Best Sellers List: "British Short Stories" 2-11-2023

Flashbulb Memories ~ #3 on Amazon's Best Sellers List: "Love Triangle",  #13 in "20th Century Historical Romance" 14-03-2024
Vanished into Thin Air ~ #2 on Amazon's Hot New Releases in "Children's Folk Tales" &  #24 in "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales and Myths" 2014
Film Noirs and Spanish Guitars              
Film Noirs and Mini Bars
Far Reaching Aspects
The Secret Letterbox

Check out the stunning new book covers below - created by Nabin Karna - for my film noir series. Nabin is a specialist book cover designer on


I discovered a wonderful review of Film Noirs and Mini Bars (2.30 secs) on Obscure Book Adventures

"Flashbulb Memories will have you in tears and will have you shouting for joy. I really felt both Jack and Lucy's emotions and it was very hard to put the book down until I was able to know both the past and the future outlook for Jack and Lucy.

John Kemp has done a marvellous job of writing this novella with beautiful feeling and insight. I really enjoyed Flashbulb Memories and highly recommend it."

~Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite USA




An Independent Writer

      Having enjoyed hard-boiled detective novels and watched Film Noir over the years, this inspired me to create the character of Sterling.

          The novella,  Film Noirs and Doused Cigars, is the fourth in the series. Now available on Amazon.




Film Noirs and Spanish Guitars was a quick and fun read. It's a novella written in the film noir genre. I could imagine Humphrey Bogart playing the lead character Sterling, the private investigator. The story takes place in present day England, but it feels more like the 1940's. Sterling possesses a wry sense of humor that he utilizes even in the face of danger. It's a light murder mystery without the gore. I highly recommend this novella and will be checking out John Kemp's other writings. ~ Pat on Goodreads. 08-04-24.

Rated ***** 5 stars


An interesting detective story, with dry as a bone dialogue, that ticks all the film noir boxes. A great fun read. ~ Shaun on Amazon. 10-07-2024, Film Noirs and Doused Cigars.

Rated ***** 5 stars


Very nice, clean noir styled story. I enjoyed this during an evening of casual reading by the fireplace ~ Susan on Goodreads. 29-11-2023, Film Noirs and Pullman Cars.

Rated ***** 5 stars.


This was a cool story. Think Agatha Christie/Nita Prose! I can't wait to read the next adventure. I would recommend this as a quick read ~ Amanda on Goodreads. 26-11-2023, Film Noirs and Pullman Cars.

Rated *****  5 stars.

Amazon Customer.

Another enjoyable read from this author where he has the ability to transport the reader into his world purely with text. A good book with colourful characters & keeps you guessing to the very end. Most enjoyable. Film Noirs and Mini Bars.


John Kemp captures the language and feel of the film noir genre with tough-talk and inuendo. His P.I. Sterling is likable and the story is peppered with colorful characters and plot twists. When I finished the book, I wanted a drink and a smoke! I can't wait for the next case. Film Noirs and Mini Bars.

J.P. Farley July 30, 2017.

With his latest novella, Film Noirs and Mini Bars, John Kemp dives into the film noir genre, & in Sterling, he has created a memorable character who could easily have stepped out of the pages of one of James M. Cain's classics; I personally would cast Robert Mitchum to play him in the movie version. Sterling is cynical and world-wise but is self-deprecating about his faults and failures, and colours his running inner monologue throughout with a sardonic humour that makes him a most agreeable tour guide into his seedy underworld workplace; along the way we meet a host of other equally memorable characters who crawl in and out of the shadows to wreak havoc for Sterling. It is clear that the author has an abiding affection for film noir and he more than ably captures the settings and speech that give noir its distinctive sense of time and place. I eagerly await the next chapter in Sterling's story.

Gary Wright.

This novella, Film Noirs and Mini Bars, was a delightful read. The title reveals the style of the book and throughout the reading I could picture myself watching a Film Noir. Follow PI Sterling and his dry sense of humor in a story of murder, double crosses, deceit, trickery and everything else a black and white detective Film Noir would feature…If you want to reminisce in the Film Noir genre you won't be disappointed. I think the novella format was well suited for the style of writing and I am looking forward to more of the same in the series.

Alan Bester, S. Africa July 30th, 2017. (

Go undercover and discover the underbelly of Manchester in the exciting novella, Film Noirs and Spanish Guitars (A Sterling P.I. Series) by John Kemp. Sterling may have his issues, but he uses them to expand his experiences of life. I really enjoyed reading this novella. I am great fan of the noir genre. I enjoyed the story; it was fun and upbeat in a grimy sort of way and held all of the thrill and shadow play of a classic noir. Regardless of how you like your thrillers, this story is a great intriguing read. I look forward to the next installment! I would recommend this book to lovers of mystery, noir, and light, cozy crime reads.

Alyssa Elmore, Readers' Favorite.

‘“The character of Sterling is that of an ex-policeman and now Private Investigator. The whole of Sterling and the scene is set very stereotypical from many PI movies but that just added to the light-heartedness of it all. I think this would make a fun film. This is a PI story with a fun twist the whole way through in that ~ there is humor fighting its way in through the whole story. I laughed along as I read the novella and yet at times it seemed quite serious. Following along with Sterling as he follows Grey around as his security. The people they meet and the ride the story takes you on is captivating and such a fun read. If you like Janet Evanovich and the Stephanie Plum series you will like this book.”’

Molmosmat ~Australia (LibraryThing).