Film Noirs and Doused Cigars  

A Sterling P.I. Series


Hot off the press! The latest Sterling P.I. instalment! 

In this episode, a spouse in denial hires Sterling to overturn her husband's murder conviction - the Crown Prosecution's, "Silver Bullet Case". A dog, a diary and DNA are his only clues while faced with tangled twists and dark turns. But is Sterling on a wild goose chase or honourably trying to reset the Scales of Justice? Even he is not sure...

~A standalone Film Noir-inspired novella~

 ~Prologue (Doused Cigars)~

I was hit by a forceful blow, something hard, maybe it was a piece of wood that had violently struck the back of my head… My eyes were on the blink, my mind dulled, and my legs buckled. The ground came towards me with a lightning thud.

The lights had gone out.

An unknown amount of time later, they flickered back on.  I realized my nightmarish dreams had been my reality. And some weird goings-on were happening around me.

Duct tape was wound across my face, a cloth tightened over my eyes, and my head was entrapped in a vice. I had been wedged in one of those commercial woodworking vices…You’ve probably seen the kind. Great for craftsmanship, not so pleasant for torture.

With my head ensnared, the handle was turned until its jaws were fully clamped around my skull.

 I hazily wondered how I got into this scenario and, as you can imagine, I was starting to regret taking on the case at this point…

As the clamp tightened, my senses heightened as if on heroin. After more turning, I could feel fluids trickle from one ear.

This had to be how the end feels because I had never felt fear and pain such as this. Fear that grabbed my stomach and squeezed mercilessly, choking my throat, leaving me breathless, pain that seared into my head like a blinding migraine.

I was convinced another half-turn of that handle and the police would be investigating my own death.


spanish guitars cover new


‘Sterling has been many things in life, but lucky was never one of them. When a desperate client, carrying a hefty wad of cash pleads for his help, the down-on-his-luck private investigator thinks it will be a straightforward job. He soon discovers nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Now, he must decide between doing what’s right or focusing on his bottom-line. With plenty to worry about and everything on the table, will Sterling’s instincts steer him in the right direction or lead him into danger? ’

Film Noirs and Mini Bars

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Film Noirs and Pullman Cars by John  Kemp

Film Noirs and Pullman Cars

by John Kemp

Giveaway ends October 29, 2023.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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